=”page-intro2″>he QDS (“Quench Detection System”) is a 4-channel multi-range precision digital quench detection system for superconducting magnets.
The QDS (“Quench Detection System”) is the new solution for any type of quench detection on superconducting magnets. It is composed by 4 independent channels, each one floating up to 100 V, that can be connected to voltage taps. The quench detection can be performed both in an absolute or differential way and the detection window can be configured from 1 ms to 1 s.
Each channel has eleven (11) different full-scale ranges, the largest one up to ±20 V (2.4 uV resolution) and the smallest one up to ±20 mV (2.5 nV resolution). The range of each channel can be set independently.
Each channel can float up to 100 V from ground and it is fed to a signal conditioning network that converts it with a 24-bit resolution and a 100-kHz sampling rate.
Interlock signals as well as output status signals are available for different uses – e.g. interfacing to a power supply for the superconducting magnet.