The STS 1652 battery element tester has been discontinued but has been succeeded by a more advanced battery element tester which features digital display and read-backs. For the latest information see the STS 1656-1657 battery element tester.
1652 Battery Element Tester
Increase your product quality and reliability by rigorous in-line high voltage testing of your battery element separator plates during the production process. Reduce field failures, costly recalls and dissatisfied customers by adding the 1652 battery element tester to your lead acid battery production line.
Hidden imperfections in your separator plates are difficult to detect using conventional means. When using traditional AC hi-pot testing to detect such failures, excessive heating can occur in moist cell applications resulting in possible damage of the unit under test.
The 1652 uses a unique short-duration high voltage pulse instead which maximises stress on the dielectric material for fault detection but induces minimal energy.
STS 1652 Battery Element Tester Supplied with:
- Set of High Voltage Safety Test Leads, 1.8 m / 6 ft. long.
- 1652 Operator Manual hard copy.
- Spare AC Input Fuses (2).
- Certificate of Calibration.
- AC Line Cord (detachable).
Model | Output Voltage | Duration |
400 to 3,000V Pk | 15 msec typ |
More information
The product described above has been discontinued. STS, however, have released a more advanced battery element tester which features digital display and read-backs. To get more information on this, please see the STS 1656-1657 battery element tester.